Saturday, December 6, 2014

Photo journalism- follow your pet

This is my 6 year old King Charles Cavalier Hoodsie.  
Every morning he rides in my moms car to take my brother and sometimes I to school and
then he proceeds falls asleep in the back seat.
Although, sometimes he sits in his car seat and he falls asleep there, especially on longer trips.
Most of the time when we let him outside he will run to the neighbors house to find his best friend the
Pomeranian Lucy. Usually they come back for treats and to play.
           Every day aside form the occasional run around we take him on walks around the neighborhood where he sniffs
everything he can find and greets every person or dog that he encounters.
And after every walk we give him a treat! His favorite is chicken or blueberries, and occasionally
a him a milk bone.
We also give him treats when he does tricks, for example when he gives us his paw.
Other than getting treats one of his favorite things to do is nap, he naps on the couch
for most of the day, but if he's not on the couch he's usually on the rug or in his bed, but most of the time he is
When he's not sleeping though he can be pretty active, he loves playing with his toys
or just running around like crazy. This toy is his favorite toy and he could play with it
all day if we let him.
After he plays he gets a bit wild and runs around crazy or rolls all around, this was one action shot of him going crazy after we played with one of his toys.